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19 Crimes Pinot Noir 750ml

19 Crimes turned criminals into colonists. Upon conviction, British rogues, guilty of at least one of the 19 Crimes, were sentenced to live in Australia, rather than death. Medium bodied with soft, round tannins, cherry and strawberry fruit sweetness which complements spice oak undertones.

Allan Scott Black Label Pinot Noir 750ml


Ara Single Estate Pinot Noir 750ml

Delicate floral aromas pair with rich, dark fruit notes of cherry, boysenberry, and blackberry - followed by just a hint of spiced clove and cinnamon. A rich palate, with ample fine, chalky tannin gives structure and length to this wine, while balanced acidity lends energy and elegance.

Arrogant Frog Lily Pad Pinot Noir 750ml

A medium bodied wine, with ripe tannins and acidity which testify his capability to age. It develops very delicate aromas and a long lasting finish.

Black Cottage Central Otago Pinot Noir 750ml

This Pinot Noir has a deep ruby colour and offers a complex aroma of dark forest fruits, wild thyme and subtle smoke. The palate has flavours of vibrant blackberries and cherries, with a glossy mouthfeel, delicate acidity and plush tannins. Pair with chargrilled meats and game dishes.

Devil's Staircase by Rockburn Pinot Noir 750ml

The Devil's Staircase takes the willing down into the realm of decadence and bacchanalian delights. Here everything is pleasure, spiced up with a dash of naughtiness. The unrelenting environment tortures the vines whose twisted limbs produce wine worthy of absolution. These wines are sinfully succulent and devilishly good.

Fickle Mistress Central Otago Pinot Noir 750ml

Pinot Noir; notoriously difficult to cultivate, but with luck, love & perfect conditions, she will reward you with the performance of a life time - a minx & a devil in disguise, a Fickle Mistress. Central Otago's cool climate consistently produces exceptional red fruit flavours of cherry, raspberry and redcurrant, but with concentration and length to match. This wine is layered with black and red berry fruits, complemented by blossoming aromas of dark plum.

Gibbston Valley Gold River Pinot Noir 750ml

Timeless techniques are used to make Gibbston Valley Gold River Wines. Hand-picked fruit is gently crafted into premium Central Otago Pinot Noir that offer immediate drinking pleasure. Batch fermented in small open-top tanks, it spends 6-9 months in 100% French Oak, the Gold River Pinot Noir offers exceptional quality and regionality at a good price.

Greywacke Pinot Noir 750ml

A seductive combination of blackberries, blueberries and sweet black plums intermingled with roasted chestnuts, cloves and dark tobacco - rich and exotic with hints of lavender and rose petal. The palate is generous with ripe fruit, fine tannins and a delicious spicy finish.

Jacob's Creek Classic Pinot Noir 750ml

Jacob's Creek Classic range offers fresh, great tasting wines across a wide selection of popular varieties and blends. Jacob's Creek Classic Pinot Noir that pairs approachability and drinkability with varietal purity. This wine has perfumed strawberry notes with a subtle black cherry lift. On the palate is a combination of fragrant cherry and plum. Enjoy with a duck or lamb salad.

Luna Estate Pinot Noir 750ml

The wine is a clear, bright ruby colour. A complex array of high toned red fruit aromas, ripe cherry, raspberry, cranberry with lifted floral notes, undertones of fine spice, savoury herb and quality oak Juicy, youthful and vibrant fruit driven palate. Super smooth and supple with delicate and fine fruity tannins complimenting a balanced spine of acidity. Pure cherry flavours with some sweet oak notes evident on the finish. Drinking very nicely in its' youth. Very moreish. Cellar with confidence for 3-5 years

M by Montana Pinot Noir 750ml

This full bodied Pinot Noir from Waipara has classic dark plum, ripe blackberries and spicy warm chocolate notes. A beautiful match with New Zealand lamb, crispy duck, or any dish with equally robust flavours.
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