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19 Crimes The Uprising Rum Aged Red 750ml

19 Crimes turned criminals into colonists. Upon conviction, British rogues, guilty of at least one of the 19 Crimes, were sentenced to live in Australia, rather than death. 19 Crimes The Uprising Rum Aged Red Aged spends 30 days in rum barrels. Intensely rich with a jammy finish. Notes of sweet mocha, caramel and spice.

Baron Edmond de Rothschild Château Clarke Listrac-Médoc 750ml

Château Clarke has a beautiful crimson colour with a deep purple rim. Deep garnet, Clarke presents a nose of great complexity, both ripe and spicy, minty and finely toasted. When aired, notes of Morello cherries, thyme and vanilla complete this rich and intense palette. On the palate, the attack is ample, smooth and very fresh.

Brown Brothers Cienna 750ml

Brown Brothers Cienna is like tasting summer berries in a glass; filled with fresh ripe cherries and juicy red berries. With a gentle spritz, Cienna is smooth with a refreshing finish. A perfect red wine for summer. Enjoy chilled.

Brown Brothers Dolcetto & Syrah 750ml

Dolcetto is an Italian grape variety that is little known or planted in Australia. The variety hails from the mountainous Piedmont region of north-west Italy. Translated literally, 'Dolcetto' means 'little sweet one'. This wine has fresh, lifted aromas of red jubes, blackberries, red currants, hints of spice and liquorice. The palate has flavours of ripe summer berries and a natural grape sweetness that is balanced by the frizzante mouth-feel providing a refreshing, lively finish.

Casa Montepulciano d'Abruzzo 1.5 Litre

A medium bodied red wine, silky texture and fine tannins. The palate is full of red fruits, plum and black cherry.

Cecchi Chianti DOCG 750ml


Elephant Hill Le Phant Rouge 750ml

A proprietary estate red blend sourced mainly from the warm, inland soils of Bridge Pa Triangle and Gimblett Gravels. Wonderfully fruited and elegantly complex, the bouquet shows blackcurrant, sweet cherry, cedar, thyme and warm spice aromas, leading to a gorgeously flavoursome palate offering succulent fruit intensity together with silky texture and fine-grained tannins. Supple and lingering with a delectable finish.

Georges Duboeuf Beaujolais-Villages 750ml

An intense, brilliant cherry colour with purplish tints. Complex nose with red and black berry aromas. A smooth wine with fine tannins, harmonious and complete.

Peter Lehmann The Barossan Grenache 750ml

A medium-bodied wine with flavours of juicy berries and soft tannins, exotic subtleties of pomegranate and rose.

Te Mata Estate Gamay Noir 750ml

Aromas of black cherry, wild strawberry and star anise. The palate is soft and pillowy with a racing-stripe of boysenberry ripple through it. There are dark roses, raspberries, and notes of sandalwood and liquorice.
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